The 5 Ingredient Detox Drink to Restore Mind, Body and Spirit
Thirty-four days into the New Year and somehow, it isn’t feeling as shiny. Many of us have perhaps fallen off the resolution wagon and faded back into the daily grind – somehow forgetting the commitments that meant so much to us just thirty-four days ago. You know what we need? We need an overhaul – a detox that will cleanse us fully – mind, body, and spirit, and get us back to the “we got this” mindset we had when we started the New Year!
We’ve got just the thing! Our favorite daily detox drink is the perfect cure for what ails you – and it’s so easy to make – anyone can do it! Here’s what you’ll need:
Spinach is known as one of the world’s healthiest foods – and with good reason too! Not only is it chalk-full of skin supporting vitamins (think A, C, E, K) it also contains a long list of minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and a whole host of others (too many to name!). In its raw form, spinach contains an anti-oxidant powerhouse known as glutathione, a natural detoxifier that improves the health of the body’s cells to help reverse aging. Hmmm…maybe Popeye was actually on to something.
Oh the sweetness of fresh pineapple. Not only does it taste – and look – incredible, pineapple boasts a host of detoxifying and beautifying ingredients. A anti-oxidant powerhouse, pineapple contains bromelain which softens skin and helps prevent acne, fine lines, sun damage and uneven skin tone. Pineapple is also a great detoxifier for the body again, thanks to its high concentration of the enzyme bromelain, which acts as a natural blood thinner in addition to promoting beneficial changes in white blood cells.
For such a small fruit, blueberries pack a powerful punch when it comes to both detoxing and benefits on the skin. In a recent study published by The World Journal of Gastroenterology, blueberries were shown to actually slow the progression of liver disease. Blueberries contain anthocyanins, the compound that gives them their rich, dark color. These are powerful antioxidants that shield the skin against free radicals that can damage collagen. They are also packed with Vitamin-C, another antioxidant, this one crucial for collagen production.
How many times have we heard about the benefits of drinking warm lemon water? Lemon is full of natural antioxidants (there’s that word again!) that combat damaging free radicals and is a great source of Vitamin-C which helps repair damaged skin cells, and as the “great detoxifier” lemons have an amazing capacity of balancing the pH levels in your body and detoxifying your liver.
Basil is the holy grail of health. Who knew, right? We did! Not only is it amazingly healthy for skin and the body overall, it is the secret ingredient that takes the flavor of this detox drink to a whole new level. Basil has health benefits ranging from improving the immune system to decreasing stress and even protecting DNA thanks to the plethora of antioxidants and phytonutrients it contains.
Okay, now that we’ve laid out the health and skin benefits of our smoothie ingredients, let’s get to blending!
Combine the following ingredients into a blender:
1 and 1/2 cups raw spinach
½ cup fresh pineapple chunks
½ cup fresh blueberries
2 fresh basil leaves
Juice of half a lemon
Blend until smooth, pour it into your favorite glass, and drink it down! So refreshing – it’s like a vacation in a glass! Oh – and we recommended doing this for 5 days in a row, taking a break for a week, and then starting again over the course of 4 weeks! Enjoy!
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